The other day, 34-year-old film actress Dakota Johnson once again addressed the topic of her daily routine. She previously stated that she needs 14 hours of sleep every night and when she is free, she sleeps as much as she can. On ‘The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon’, she commented on what she said, adding that it’s not that emphatic.
I said I could easily sleep 14 hours, but I don’t demand it. I’m not a monster. I have a job to do,” Johnson clarified.
The Fifty Shades of Grey star revealed that she doesn’t understand what’s wrong with quality long sleep.
‘Leave me alone! I’m just sleeping. I’m literally doing nothing. I’m just sleeping! – she jokingly responded to questions about her daily routine.
I don’t have a regular wake-up time,” she told the Wall Street Journal. – It depends on what’s going on in my life. If I’m not working, if I have Monday off, I’ll sleep as much as I can.
Johnson stated that if she doesn’t get at least 10 hours of rest, she becomes unfit for work, and also noted the importance of sleep for health. However, sleep is not the only concern for the actress.
I meditate two times every day. I do transcendental meditation. Lately, I’ve been really into breath work and it helps me a lot with anxiety.
A few weeks ago I was having a bad day and Kris asked me, “Are you really having a hard time?”. I replied, “No.” However, I was really having a hard time and at that moment, Kris pulled me out of it.